Monday, August 23, 2010

Quick Update

Sorry again about the gap in posts! Time flies by and before you know it, we have not posted in a few days. The feedings are continuing to go well, and Jax is now up to 14cc every 3 hours. He is taking his bottle well and even has a therapist that works with him to make sure he is sucking, breathing, and swallowing with no trouble. The pooping is still going okay, but they could be a little more solid. The frequency is good so the feedings are not just rushing through him, and he should be adsorbing a good amount. Jax will go up again on his feedings tomorrow, and just continue to increase the amount as long as he tolerates it and his poops are good.

Its important that Jax maintains and increases steadily on his feedings because the milk nutrition versus IV nutrition is like being on a seesaw. As his milk volume goes up the IV volume goes down. We want the IV nutrition down as soon as we can because extended exposure can cause liver damage, but we are a long long way away from that.

I am guessing that he will need to get up to around 50 - 60 cc of milk to get 100% off the IV nutrition. That is if he is gaining weight off the milk, which I am sure he will be based on what we have seen so far. Jax is at 14 cc now so he is about a quarter of the way there. Once you get on a roll the increases come more frequently but if there is sign of concern they hold him where he is for a day and then continue as long as everything looks good.

I met a lady on the elevator today that worked at Children's today that tried to show me a shortcut to the parking garage and got me totally lost....on our way out we were talking about Jax and she said isn't the Lord just wonderful....Look at everything he has done for that baby....God is amazing isn't he....I was like yes yes and yes. She also said and you know He is going to continue doing great things as long as you keep trusting Him. We were where we thought I was going by then so I said thank you and she left to another floor in the garage. I thought that was pretty cool and a good reminder of what God has already done and how you can see Him working every day on Jax.

Please keep praying that his feedings continue to go well and he can get of the IV nutrition as soon as his ready. Please also keep praying that he will digest his food and adsorb his nutrition from the milk, and continue to gain weight. Please pray that God will shield him from infection and sickness. We thank God for everything he has done so far and thank you for your prayers and support along the way. Amber and I could not have made it if it were not for the support of our families and friends. We love you and we will try to update more often and not so long!


  1. I'm always praying for you guys! I love you Amber, Nate, Mattie Grace and Jax!!!

    Kristen W

  2. I just love the pictures! We cant wait to meet baby Jax. You know God has a plan for our little guys, and I know he has his hands on them. If there is anything Josh or I can do please call. We love you guys.
