Friday, July 30, 2010

Just wanted to give a quick update since I have not posted in the past few days.

Jax is holding steady and is getting ready to start feeding again next week. Look for many updates when the feeding begins because this will be a critical time.

In the mean time please be praying that he will accept his feeds, process and adsorb his nutrition, gain weight, and that the Doctors will see a child that goes beyond anything they can explain!

We love you all and thank you for the prayers!


  1. We are so glad he is doing well! Tell Jax we love him and can't wait to see him this weekend!

  2. I'm sure Jax will do good with his feeding's.He's come through so much and done so well.I'm sure God will let him get through this.Just keep having faith. WE love ya'll so much. Lucy

  3. Being a writer, and seeing as Jax is my precious grandson, I just have to put in my two cents worth. :)
    Jax, Because of you, my faith has grown by leaps and bounds. I've seen first hand how God DOES ANSWER PRAYERS AND SENDS MIRACLES!!!
    God sent the first chapter in Jeremiah to your mother when we were waiting to see if God was going to allow us to keep you. She passed it to me and when I read it I KNEW you'd be alright. Your Uncle Bud also had a revival of sorts where God Almighty told him you would pull through.
    You're not four weeks old yet, but you've affected more people in that short time than I have in all my 54 years!
    To see you beat all odds makes me want to be a better person, a Godly woman, someone you will be proud to say "That's my Nonni!"
    I can hardly wait to hold you in my arms sweetheart and bounce you and your "big" sister Mattie Grace on my knees. You two have given me a new reason for living. I love you both, and your Mom and Dad, so much!!! May God Bless YOU all with happiness and good health until we get to see His face in Glory! You can bet Ma-ma and Bob will be standing at the gate waiting for their great-grandchildren!
    Jax, Aunt Boots said she can see that formula going into that little stomach, being absorbed, and causing you to grow stronger and stronger each day. PRAISE OUR AWESOME GOD!!!!!!!!!
