Saturday, August 7, 2010

God is with us

Thank you all for all of your prayers because we hear them. Jax is no yet eating and has an infection. We will receive tomorrow or Monday the results from his blood test. He has been having to have blood given to him. As of today he has not had any Brady's and is just sucking away with his binky. Jax is going to need a lot when he gets home the nurse said. Even with the tubes in his mouth he loves them. The nurses think he looks very good. Jax's belly and sounds of his tummy all sound normal. He has his days were we really wonder and sometimes question God's intention. But because of your prayers and God's great knowing love and understanding is getting us and Jax through this. Please also pray for Mattie Grace because she does not understand why we are gone so much.

1 comment:

  1. Amber,
    I'm praying for you! I know God will give you the strength you need. I love you!!!!

    Kristen W.
